Leonard Sanderman improvis[ed] with both imagination and flair! ... [he] wove together a particularly erudite and accomplished improvisation, that to an unwitting bystander could easily have been a composed accompaniment [to the silent movie]. ... the various changes of mood, between lucidity and intense drama, were captured superbly by the organ registrations chosen. A well deserved and rapturous round of applause concluded [the evening] ... with very grateful thanks to Leonard for sharing his notable gifts in improvisation.
- Alastair Timmis, The Pipeline, York & District Organists' Assocation, January 2022
We are very grateful for Leonard['s] ... enthusiasm, excellent choral and organ-playing skills, and experience and wisdom when it comes to our organ development.
- Fr Christopher Johnson, Horbury Church Report 2022
Leonard Sanderman ... conjured breathtaking sounds from the instrument in his programme of "British Pomp and French Glitter".
- Christian Schmidt, Pressel, blog, 2018
Sunday obligation was satisfied at Temple Moore’s
stunning St Wilfrid’s, Harrogate. ... The choir sang well, and the
organ was played superbly by Leonard Sanderman: top marks.
- New Directions, June 2016
This [performance of Reger's 'Ein feste Burg'] made the hair on the back of my neck stand up ... the player and organ were on fine form!
- 'Reger from Keble', Mander Organ Builders Forum, 2013